The village Tomoko Bolon

In the villages located on the shores of scenic Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, one can still see the traditional houses of the local tribe Toba Batak. They are best kept in a small village on the island of Bologna Tomoko Samosir in the middle of the lake Toba.The whole village Tomoko consists of one row of massive wooden houses with thatched roofs known that resemble the shape of a saddle or a boat. Houses are on low stilts, help ride out here frequent floods. In front of each apartment building called Jaba, located barn rice - CTBA that size is not inferior to a residential house and is often used as an extra bedroom.The area between the Juba and GUSTs is called Alaman and serves as a venue for general meetings and drying of rice.The most beautiful building in the village has a public house, whose facade is decorated with traditional floral ornament, which combines red, black and white. Batak tribe house to decorate the horns of the buffalo.Traditional houses are divided into three zones. The space between the fields, were used as corrals. The interior of the house is one big dark room, in which several families lived. Sleeps at night each of families separated curtain fabric. In the high roof is usually arranged room. where he kept the family heirlooms and historical relics.Today, the tradition of the people of Indonesia are gradually lost under the influence of civilization. It is unlikely that these houses will be restored to the extent of their destruction, so you should hurry to see these unusual monuments Indonesian architecture.

Lisoy (Batak Drinking Song)

author: Ryan Allen

Herman Delago-Marokkap Dung Matua-Samosir Austrian Tobatak Orchestra

author: Videsta Tambunan

Dongan ma godang, Traditional Toba Batak Song from Lake Toba

Herman siANtao Manik 2008/09

author: Hermann Delago Manik

Tradycyjny Е›lub Batak: Wycieczka do Pangururan 2/2, Lake Toba, Indonezja #76 2014.05.28

author: Mateusz BrzeziЕ„ski - VLOG podrГіЕј przez Azje


author: Hermann Delago Manik


author: Anton Lois Fikal


author: Hermann Delago Manik

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